
Packet #20 - O'Donnells Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion

Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion? Mature Irish Cheese and Red Onion? Cheese and Onion, I think is what they meant to say. O'Donnells is an Irish crisp! From Tipperary to be exact. AND they're "Authentic Hand Cooked" quite what that means, I'm unsure.

Anyway, onto the crisp. Delicious, nice and chunky with plenty of flavour. I gobbled them up with a sambo and a cup of tea, everything went according to plan. O'Donnells are new to the Irish crisping scene, and I'd imagine it's quite a high risk industry, to be releasing such a high end crisp into an already saturated market (pun intended) but O'Donnells Cheese and Onion are grand. To be honest with you reader, I ate these crisps ages ago and haven't returned to the packet since. Should Sam Spud and Tony Tayto be worried? Probably not, but they're definitely worth a nibble.

Kind Regards,



  1. They're amazing! Like kettle crisps at half the price and the added bonus? They are from Tipp:)

  2. O Donnells are made in Ashborne (Meath) not Tipperary.
    I doubt that tayto or sam spud are worried as Largo foods- who own Tayto, Hunky Dory, King and good auld Sammy Spud also produce O Donnells!

  3. Some day I will have enough rope to hang everyone in the whole world

  4. His name is Pat Tayto.

  5. Where can I get these?

    1. It seems most of the major supermarkets are stocking them these days.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. While they are produced in Largo in Meath the spuds are grown on O Donnells farm in Tipperary, and the flavours were developed by Ed himself (the fella on the back of the packet). Largo take the spuds and flavours and put them together as directed. The same as any contractor would do. I imagine Largo do this for many of the brands in this country.
