
Packet #25 McCoy's Flame Grilled Steak

Ah steak. The king of all meats. So tasty that I'm sure if cows were carnivores there would be none left for us humans. We'd still have McCoy's though.

It was always an obvious choice for McCoy's, positioning themselves as man crisps, to choose steak flavour. It was a risk however to lower the saturated fat by 30%. Thankfully it actually takes nothing away from the great taste. Each crisp was a delight, full of flavour, as if lifted straight from a barbecue. You could really taste the potato along with the flame grilled goodness. They stand true to the famous McCoy's crunch factor too. So crunchy in fact you can savour the pack  eating it one crisp at a time.

Definitely one of the favourites and something I go back to for a regular fix. Truly the real McCoy.



  1. These are my trusty hangover crisps. Always make me feel great, almost like a meal in themselves.

  2. Just eating a bag now and they are damn tasty, saw on the back that there are Treble Cheese & Worcester Sauce flavour ones too. "Smell my cheese, you mother!"
