
Packet #29 - Tayto Bistro Crushed Sea Salt & Aged Malt Vinegar

My goodness, what a name 'Crushed Sea Salt & Aged Malt Vinegar' names don't get much fancier than that if you ask me.

There I was standing in a Spar looking at the vast array of crisps staring back at me, I saw these lads and thought, why not? Tayto have rarely failed me in the past so I'll give 'em an aul whirl.

First thing you'll notice about these 'artisan crisps' is the weight of the packet, they're surprisingly heavy! Then, when you open them up you'll notice something else. The packet isn't nearly full enough! 'I've been had' is what I thought when I opened them up. But I'll keep munching and see what happens, quality not quantity is what they say.

So off I munched, and my word what a munch! The crisp itself is fantastic, a real good feel to it in the fingers, each one feels like an event. Flavour wise you really do get a nice vinegary taste of them too! Not too much wrong with these at all. My joy was complete with an announcement by the end of the packet to my girlfriend 'these are a truly excellent crisp!' to which she replied 'that's nice'.



  1. It does sound pretty tasty! But can you be sure that the vinegar tastes like *malted* vinegar? :)

    But really, food manufacturors do us all a favor when they add additional adjectives to the title- it sounds grander and inspires us to perceive hidden depths.

  2. I love these crisps, they fall into my "take the skin off the roof of your mouth" category along with McCoy's Salt and Vinegar.
