Packet #55 Perri Thai Rings

On my last trip to the cinema I decided to grab a couple of different bags of crisps to munch on. Partly so I could review them and partly because I don't really like popcorn. I decided to go for a larger than normal bag which Perri seem to sell all of their rings in these days. Perri offer a nice choice of rings with Onion, Thai and Spicy all available in most shops. I plumped for Thai as they were recommended to me months ago.

As I sank into my home for the next 102mins I joined in the rustling of packets to pop open my oriental flavoured delights. A nice sweet smell greeted me as the cartoon phones reminded the audience to switch off their phones. Each bite provided a strong Perri crunch as I noisily added my own sound affects to George Clooney's latest offering. However they were not as flavoursome as the earlier signs had promised. A slight hint of spice and then a veering off into mushy goodness.

A grand snack for the cinema but not one I would be searching for if I was in a rush. Having said that I will definitely be trying the Onion and Spicy Rings some time in the future. In summary picking rings out of my teeth was much more enjoyable than picking kernels.


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