
Packet #73 - Tayto Sour Cream & Dunne'ion

Euro fever has reached epidemic levels across all European countries involved. We're talking about the football tournament in Poland and Ukraine, not the worrying looking state of our shared currency. No, this fever is good fever, if there is such a thing. And what better way to celebrate then to release a limited edition bag of crisps - that also honour one of the Republic of Ireland's most brilliant footballers of all time - the Honeymonster Richard Dunne. Tayto have done just that and have brought to market these Sour Cream and Dunne'ion crisps.

First of all the bag should be admired, a wondrous green hue emanates from it and you see Mr. Tayto looking like the happy fella he is, dressed in the Ireland strip, it certainly grabs your attention - but does it grab (wait for it) - the taste buds!! The answer would appear to be no, not really. The texture of the crisp is very similar to that of the other traditional Tayto flavours, a little brittle, and yet this doesn't lend itself to the sour cream and onion taste. The balance just doesn't sit quite right. There seems to be something missing in both flavour and texture, which is a shame because the bag is gas.

These crisps are more like David Connolly then Richard Dunne - looks to have promise at the start but then bad finishing and consistency let's them down in the end. So, if you're going to sit down to watch a match and have a goo for some Sour Cream & Onion I'd recommend hunting down some Ripples, or some Sour Cream and Onion Hunky Dory's.
