
Packet #113 - Snackrite Cheese Puffs

I’ll admit it, I’m not a Cheese expert. But I do know that it comes in four varieties. Blocks, slices, grated and melted. However, undeterred by the constraints of cheese the boffins at Snackrite have put their food science hats on their noggins, studied the complexities and nuances of Wotsits, Cheetos and Tayto’s Cheesatees and came up with “Cheese Puffs”.  

When I opened the bag I was expecting the same reassuring extreme cheese smell you get from Wotsists & co. And yet… no extreme cheese smell? 🤔

Not to worry. They look the exact same. And have the same texture. You eat them and they practically evaporate upon munch, remarkable. But I’m here for extreme cheese and I’m just not getting extreme cheese. Yeah there’s a hint, but there’s not the reassuring extremity in cheese flavour I’ve gotten used to down the years (I really like the extreme cheese flavour). 

Overall, Snackrite Cheese Puffs don’t quite hit the high taste standards set by the big players in the market which is a shame because everything else works like it should. 


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