Enough messing! We’re here for the crisp alone! Wheelies are bacon flavour, and recently have become quite rare, as far as I know they’re only available in multi-packs. The shape of the crisp is highly ambitious, it’s a wheel! But the shape doesn’t mean that Wheelies lose any of the bacon goodness, if anything it adds to the fun. Wheelies are a rollercoaster of a crisp, some are jammed with taste and vibrancy and some are a little less intense. It’s this random flavouring that makes them so brilliant. You’re never quite sure what taste sensation is coming next! Wheelies have attitude and that’s what I love about them.
If you have the pleasure of recommending a crisp to Tourist in Ireland over the Summer, my advice would be to avoid the old Tayto Cheese and Onion yarn and get them a packet of Wheelies. Mr. Wheelie, I salute you.
You are a genius. And that is a fact.